Jinius - Business Tips Vol 4 - How to Meet Customer Expectations and Avoid Disputes

One of the keys to having satisfied customers is meeting or exceeding their expectations. When your customers come to you for your services or products, it is very important that you set proper expectations. The expectations should be consistent with what you know you can do for them and how much you are going to charge them. Overcharging is not always the problem; often times, undercharging is the root of disputes between customers and business owners. Businesses tend to advertise and promise the world, but when the customer starts demanding results, the service provider feels they are not being paid enough for the work.  Below are tips for meeting customer expectations and avoiding disputes.

  • When advertising, do not exaggerate
  • Clearly define what you are going to deliver
  • Describe what you are not going to deliver
  • When setting rates, expect to do more than you agreed
  • If you are charging more than your competitors, justify this in the beginning
  • Set realistic timelines and discuss any possible delays
  • Agree to revision and review procedures and limitations
  • Explain any assumptions and constraints that could affect schedule or cost
  • Keep customers informed of changes to costs and schedule
  • Discuss payment upfront
  • Follow up!